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Caribbean Netherlands
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From A to Z
Abbreviations of education levels
Adult education
Alcohol use
Basic qualification
Benefits, social assistance
Benefits, total unemployment and social assistance benefits
Benefits, unemployment benefit
Binge drinkers
Bodyweight: not overweight
Bodyweight: overweight
Bodyweight: severely overweight (obese)
Campaigning and demonstrating
Child abuse, advice as a result of first contacts
Child abuse, consultations as a result of first contacts
Child abuse, first contacts
Child abuse, investigations as a result of first contacts
Child day care
Children in families on income support
Children living in poverty
Children referred to the Halt scheme
Children whose parents divorced
Concerns about parenting
Contact with friends and acquaintances
Contact with relatives who do not live in the family home
Courses and company training
Crime victims
Diplomas: higher vocational education (hbo)
Diplomas: preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo)
Diplomas: pre-university education (vwo)
Diplomas: secondary education
Diplomas: senior general secondary education (havo)
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo)
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo) level 1 (assistant traini…
Diplomas: senior secondary vocational education (mbo) levels 2-4
Diplomas: university bachelor
Diplomas: university master/old style degree
Divorcing couples with children
Drugs: recent use of cannabis
Drugs: use of cannabis
Drugs: use of cocaine
Drugs: use of XTC
Duration of unemployment
Dutch healthy exercise norm: NNGB (Nederlandse Norm Gezond Bewegen)
Employed labour force
Employed labour force with basic qualification
Employed labour force without basic qualification
Ethnic group
Experienced sexual intercourse
Families on income support
Feelings of insecurity
Fit norm
Foreign background
Guardianship and provisional guardianship, new cases
Guardianship and provisional guardianship, total
Help with parenting
Households with children
In custodial youth institutions, on civil grounds
In custodial youth institutions, on criminal grounds
In custodial youth institutions, total
In education
Interviewed by the police
Interviewed by the police in connection with a traffic offence
Interviewed by the police in connection with a violent offence
Interviewed by the police in connection with an offence against property
Interviewed by the police in connection with vandalism
Labour force
Live born first children
Mainstream education
Member of a club
Mortality, infant
Mortality, perinatal
Native Dutch
Non-labour force
Non-labour force with basic qualification
Non-labour force without basic qualification
Non-western foreign background
Normal youth probation, new cases
Normal youth probation, total
Not in education
Number of young people
Other non-western foreign background
Out-of-school/after-school care
Participation in combined years of secondary education
Participation in higher vocational education (hbo)
Participation in mainstream education
Participation in practical education
Participation in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) b/k 3-4
Participation in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) g/t 3-4
Participation in pre-university education (vwo) 3-6
Participation in preventive health care
Participation in primary education
Participation in secondary education
Participation in secondary education: senior general (havo) 3-5
Participation in senior secondary vocational education (mbo)
Participation in special needs primary education
Participation in special schools for primary education
Participation in special schools for secondary education
Participation in university education
Physical exercise: complies with combined norm (30 min.)
Physical exercise: complies with combined norm (60 min.)
Positive health perception
Provisional guardianship
Psychosocial well-being
Regional recording and coordination of school dropouts
Religious attendance
Satisfaction with parenting
School dropouts, survey population
School dropouts: total figures from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Scie…
Secondary education: preparatory vocational (vmbo)
Secondary education: pre-university (vwo)
Secondary education: senior general (havo)
Self-reported offenders
Settlement by judge
Settlement by Public Prosecutor’s Office
Sexual assault
Sickness absence, duration
Sickness absence, percentage
Smoking, intentions
Smoking, smoked recently
Social assistance benefit
Special needs education
Supervision orders, new cases
Supervision orders, total
Teenage mothers
Unable to cope with parenting
Unaccompanied foreign minor
Unaccompanied foreign minors in guardianship, net total
Unaccompanied foreign minors in guardianship, new cases
Underprivileged pupil
Underprivileged pupil; extra funding factor 0.30
Underprivileged pupil; extra funding factor 1.20
Unemployed jobseekers
Unemployed labour force
Unemployed labour force with basic qualification
Unemployed labour force without basic qualification
Use of condoms
Use of contraceptive pill
Voluntary social work placement
Volunteer work
Wajong benefits
Western foreign background
Work-related accidents
Young people in one-parent families
Youth care clients, funded by central government (0-17 years)
Youth care clients, funded by province (0-17 years)
Youth care clients, funded under AWBZ (0-17 years)
Youth care clients, funded under Health Care Insurance Act (0-17 years)
Youth probation measure: individual supervision programme CRIEM, new cases
Youth probation measure: individual supervision programme CRIEM, total
Youth probation measure: individual supervision programme hard-core, new cases
Youth probation measure: individual supervision programme hard-core, total
Youth welfare, children reported
Youth welfare, decisions to provide help