Regional recording and coordination of school dropouts
In 1994 Dutch central government instituted 39 regions for the recording and coordination of school dropouts (Regionaal Meld- en Coördinatiepunt or RMC).
The regions are supposed to contribute to the reduction and prevention of children leaving school without a qualification. The government opted for regions rather than municipalities as this made it possible for other regional institutions, such as youth welfare offices, regional training centres, Centres for Work and Income and local police forces, to become involved; they can all contribute to various bespoke schemes for drop-outs. Each region has one contact municipality.
The regions correspond with the regions falling under common regulations (WGR-gebieden) where possible. Only in the province Limburg are WGR-regions combined. RMC-region Limburg Noord consists of WGR-regions Noord-Limburg and Midden-Limburg. RMC-region Zuid-Limburg consists of WGR-regions Westelijke Mijnstreek, Oostelijk Zuid-Limburg, and Maastricht en Mergelland.