Diplomas: higher vocational education (hbo)
The total number of young people (aged 12-24 years) awarded a diploma after passing final exams in higher vocational education (hbo).
The figures in this publication on people with an hbo diploma refer to those completing the ‘old-style’ programme, the bachelor programme or continuation courses. Before the introduction of the bachelor-master system in higher education, students with a diploma for certain higher vocational programmes were qualified to enrol for a continuation course. These continuation courses were called advanced or second-stage programmes. After introduction of the bachelor-master system in 2002/'03, most continuation courses in higher vocational education were converted to master’s programmes.
All final exam passes in higher vocational education are counted in the study year concerned. In higher education, the study years starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following year.
As the National Youth Monitor counts only people aged up to and including 24 years, figures published here may deviate from those presented by the Ministry for Education, Culture and Science, as the ministry counts all students in higher education, regardless of age.
The data refer to study years. 2005 is study year 2005/'06. The figures on passes refer to the situation at the end of the study year.
All figures are rounded to the nearest 10. As a result of rounding total figures may not exactly equal the sum of the separate figures.
Data available from study year 2000/'01.
Source: Statistics Netherlands, Education Statistics.