Participation in senior secondary vocational education (mbo)
Number or percentage of young people (aged 0-24 years) in senior secondary vocational education (mbo).
The data published on students in senior secondary vocational education are based on annual enumerations by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
Senior secondary vocational education comprises a school-based track (bol) and an apprenticeship-based track (bbl). The reference date is 1 October. The figures for school year 2005/'06 refer to the situation on 1 October 2005.
All figures are rounded to the nearest 10. As a result of rounding total figures may not exactly equal the sum of the separate figures.
As the National Youth Monitor counts only people aged up to and including 24 years, figures published here may deviate from those presented by the Ministry for Education, Culture and Science, as the ministry counts all students in higher education, regardless of age.
Data available from school year 2005/'06.
Source: Statistics Netherlands, Education Statistics.