Diplomas: pre-university education (vwo)
The total number of young people (aged 12-24 years) awarded a diploma after passing final exams in pre-university education (vwo).
The numbers of young people passing school exams are based on the exam results register of the education inspectorate collected by the Information Management Group (IB-Groep). This register contains the exam details of more than 95 percent of all school exam candidates.
The figures in this publication refer to young people who pass exams in mainstream schools. Candidates who withdraw and those sitting state exams are not included.
The data refer to school years. 2005 is school year 2005/'06. The figures on passes refer to the situation at the end of the school year.
All figures are rounded to the nearest 10. As a result of rounding total figures may not exactly equal the sum of the separate figures.
Data available from school year 2003/'04.
Source: Statistics Netherlands, Education Statistics.