School dropouts, survey population
The number of school dropouts within the total number of pupils in the survey population group, calculated as non-rounded absolute figures.
School dropouts are children who have left school on 1 October of school years t+1 without having attained a basic qualification. They are younger than 23 years and recorded in the municipal population registration.
The results of the number of school dropouts give an insight into their background characteristics compared with children who complete their education. The results are not intended to reflect the total number of school dropouts in the Netherlands. The figures calculated for this by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science are estimated to be higher. These figures are also presented in the National Youth Monitor: indicator “School dropouts: total figures from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science”.
Data refer to school years. The year 2004 refers to school year 2004/'05.
Data available from school year 2004/'05.
Source: Statistics Netherlands education statistics - school dropouts.