Sources: health and welfare
Positive health perception
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Perinatal mortality
Statistics Netherlands: Municipal population registration
Infant mortality
Statistics Netherlands: Municipal population registration
Participation in preventive health care
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Active smoking
Foundation for a smoke-free future (STIVORO)
Intention to smoke
Foundation for a smoke-free future (STIVORO)
Alcohol use
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Binge drinkers
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Drugs use: Cannabis
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Drugs use: XTC
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Drugs use: Cocaine
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Recent use of cannabis
Netherlands Institute of Mental health and Addiction (Trimbos): pupil surveys (PO)
Bodyweight: not overweight
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Bodyweight: overweight
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Bodyweight: severely overweight
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Physical activity
TNO: assessment of physical activity (OBIN)
Volunteer work
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Raising children
Satisfaction with parenting
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Unable to cope with parenting
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Concerns about parenting
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Help with parenting
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Sexual behaviour
Experienced sexual intercourse
Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality (Rutgers Nisso Groep)
Use of contraceptive pill
Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality (Rutgers Nisso Groep)
Use of condoms
Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality (Rutgers Nisso Groep)
Sexual assault
Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality (Rutgers Nisso Groep)
Social participation
Member of a club
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Voluntary social work placement
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Campaigning and demonstrating
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands / Statistics Netherlands: Supplementary Amenities Use Survey
Youth welfare
Children reported
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Decisions to provide help
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Child abuse
Reported cases (numbers)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Advice to informants of child abuse (numbers)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Consultation with informants of child abuse (numbers)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Investigations of reported cases of child abuse (numbers)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Reported cases (0-17 year-olds)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Recommendations (0-17 year-olds)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Consultations (0-17 year-olds)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Investigations (0-17 year-olds)
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Policy information on youth welfare
Social contacts
Contact with relatives who do not live in the family home
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Contact with friends and acquaintances
Statistics Netherlands: Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)
Religious attendance
Statistics Netherlands, Permanent Life Situation Survey (POLS)