In 2019, more young people were receiving youth care than in 2015. On the other hand, there were relatively lower shares of young children in families living on income support, third-year secondary general students at VMBO, and young registered crime suspects. Youth labour participation was relatively higher while alcohol consumption remained unchanged in this period. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this based on figures regarding key indicators and the use of youth care, published today in the Annual Report of the National Youth Monitor 2020.
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Last year, 617 out of the 170 thousand live-born babies died in their first year. As a result, the infant mortality rate stood at 3.6 per thousand live births, versus 5.1 in 2000. The infant mortality rate was nearly three times the average among mothers under the age of 20. Infant mortality in the Netherlands is in line with the European Union average. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this based on newly released figures.
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In 2019, 16 percent of all children in the Netherlands were living in a single-parent household. This share has continued to expand over the past two decades. Nine percent of all infants were living with only one parent. The highest shares are found in the cities of Heerlen and Rotterdam.
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Last year, 264 thousand minors in the Netherlands were living in low-income families, remaining unchanged from the previous year. The number of minors in families living persistently on a low income for at least four years dropped by nearly 5 thousand, ending at 103 thousand. This is evident from the latest figures on at-risk-of-poverty rates, released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
Read publicationThis summary presents the main results of the Annual Report 2012, which is based on information from the National Youth Monitor website.
Read publicationA growing part of 18-24 year-olds embark on a study in higher vocational education (hbo) or university (wo). Women and young people with a non-western background are the main contributors to the increase. The proportion of students in general secondary vocational education (mbo) has remained stable in recent years.
Read publicationSlightly fewer than half of all people aged between 12 and 25 responded in 2009 that they had a religious denomination. This share has fallen by 6 percent points since 1997. Church attendance is low among young people. About one in seven goes to church or to a religious gathering at least once a month.
Read publicationThis summary presents the main results of the Youth Trends Report 2010, which is based on information from the National Youth Monitor website.
Read publicationThis Quarterly Report of the National Youth Monitor for the third quarter of 2009 describes unemployed young people in times of economic crisis.
Read publicationThe Annual report 2009 of the National Youth Monitor of the Netherlands presents a broad overview of how children and young people under the age of 25 years in the Netherlands are doing. The situation of this group is described from six points of view: young people and families, health, education, social participation, labour market and security.
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